Join Us


Submit or update your information. The following form is intended for those who are not yet scheduled for an up-coming Poet's Corner at Scarritt Bennett Center.

Register Here
Want Us to Read For You? Submit Your Poem.

The Flow

The program order for Poet's Corners will be as follows:
  • 6:30pm Doors open. Poets may arrive as early at 6pm.
  • 7:00pm - Introductions/Welcome
  • 7:05 Open Mic and/or Readings of Submitted Poems from the community (Live Recorded)
  • 7:30pm - Featured Poet or poetry collection (Live Recorded)
  • 7:55pm - Wrap-up and Closing Remarks from Scarritt Bennett Center
A Message from our Director of Spirituality and Arts
Intro to The Flow

Frequently Asked Questions

How We Choose Poets

New poets will be requested to give a reading. The screening is for evaluation of experience, content of poems, submitting samples of poetry, and the ability to ask questions. Those who get the response that they will be considered for upcoming openings will receive invitations to one or more dates in the coming months.

We aim for a diverse performance base as part of our mission to create space where individuals and groups engage each other to achieve a more just world. In that light, responses to the demographical questions are appreciated though not required.

How do I sign up?

It is encouraged that you have a conversation with our Director of Spirituality and Arts before completing the online form, but this is not required.

To connect, email [email protected] and request a time to give a reading. These can happen in person or online. If you complete the form first, you will be contact to schedule a reading if needed.

When are poetry readings held?

Go-live time is 7pm to 8pm

January through October on 4th Thursdays.

November and December 3rd Thursdays

Where are poetry readings held? 

On the campus of Scarritt Bennett Center and online live-stream from our campus in Nashville, Tennessee. We would love to read your works for our poets who can't be present in person, so don't hesitate to sign up if you do not live nearby.

This is your opportunity to share your poetry. 

We want you and your art to thrive whether this is a business or personal passion for you.

Even if you don't get a spot in person, we can feature you by reading your work during live events, share on our social networks, or in a feature in our 11,000+ newsletter email list. So, sign up now to express your interest in being a part of Poet's Corner.


Register for this FREE opportunity.